TKG Indoor Golf Range愛媛県西条市で創業70年を迎える土木建設会社が新規事業としてインドアゴルフ練習場をオープンすることとなり設計を行った。建設業界にはゴルフを趣味とする人が多い。練習場としてだけでなく、仲間たちとのコミュニティーとしても活用される場を作ることを求められた。
A civil engineering construction company established 70 years ago in Saijyo-City, Ehime is opening an indoor golf driving range as its new business. Many people in the construction industry enjoy playing golf as their hobby. We were asked to create a golf driving range that could also be used as a community for fellow golfers.
The partitions between the individual practice booths were made into triangular shapes to both reduce the line of sight for concentration, and to create a sense of unity throughout the entire indoor space. The putting practice booth and the VIP booth are gently divided by using a ball net as a partition between the two spaces.
The interior is unified with matte black cloth and painted steel parts to reduce excess light reflection and maximize the screen’s visual appeal.
- Project Year: 2023-2024
- Site:愛媛県西条市洲之内
- Total Area: 201.5㎡
- 店舗Website:
- Construction: 西安建設株式会社
- Lighting Design: 宮地電機株式会社
- Photo by Shuhei Miyahata